Execute CLI commands in Magento
Video Lesson
Magento contains a bin/magento command line script which supplies you with tons of actionable commands that let you carry out functionality on your store instance.
Lesson Content
Magento's bin/magento
script supplies you with tons of actionable commands that let you carry out functionality on your store instance.
To see all available commands, just run it with no arguments:
Take a moment to look through the output - it shows all available commands, along with their descriptions. While there are many commands available, you'll likely use these two most frequently:
bin/magento cache:flush
bin/magento setup:upgrade
Typing these can be a bit repetitive, but luckily Magento’s CLI script is pretty smart.
As long as what you type isn't ambiguous or can reference other commands, you can use shortened versions for any command.
For example, these shortened commands work exactly the same as their longer counterparts:
bin/magento c:f # Same as cache:flush
bin/magento :up # Same as setup:upgrade
Note: If for some reason multiple commands match your shortened version, Magento will not be able to proceed and will let you know.
You can make your commands even more succinct by creating a bash alias.
Add this line to your ~/.bashrc
or ~/.zshrc
alias m="bin/magento"
Then after reloading your terminal, your commands can become super terse!
m c:f # cache:flush
m :up # setup:upgrade
These shortcuts can save you a ton of typing during development. Just remember to always use full commands in documentation, to keep things super clear and easy to understand, as well as in deployment scripts, where short commands can cause your builds to unexpectedly fail.