Using the PHP 8.3 Override Attribute in Magento

Using the PHP 8.3 Override Attribute in Magento

Explore the usage and benefits of the Override attribute, a feature introduced in PHP 8.3, in Magento development to write more robust, maintainable code.

Mark Shust
Mark Shust
16 min read

As Magento developers, we're always on the lookout for tools and techniques that can make our code more robust and easier to maintain. With PHP 8.3, we've been gifted a new feature that does just that: the #[\Override] attribute.

You might be familiar with PHP attributes already. They're those little tags wrapped in square brackets with an @ symbol, sitting above classes, methods, or properties. This provides extra info about your code without changing its execution.

In fact, you've probably encountered attributes in Magento without even realizing it. For instance, there's a #[\ReturnTypeWillChange] attribute in the Magento\Framework\App\RouterList class, and a #[\DataFixture] attribute in Magento unit tests.

Now, PHP 8.3 has introduced a new attribute that I believe will significantly impact how we handle class extensions and customizations in Magento: #[\Override].

A Practical Example of #[Override] in Magento

To understand how the #[\Override] attribute works in practice, let's look at an example that is specific to Magento.

Let's say that we are extending Magento's JSON serializer to add some custom functionality:

namespace Macademy\DebugBooster\Serialize\Serializer;
use Magento\Framework\Serialize\Serializer\Json as BaseJson;
class Json extends BaseJson
     * Serialize data into string
     * @param mixed $data
     * @return string
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException|\JsonException
    public function serialize($data): string
        $result = json_encode($data, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES);
        if (false === $result) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unable to serialize value. Error: " . json_last_error_msg());
        return $result;
     * Unserialize the given string
     * @param string $string
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \InvalidArgumentException
    public function unserialize($string): mixed
        try {
            $result = json_decode($string, null, 512, JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR);
        } catch (\JsonException $e) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unable to unserialize value. Error: " . $e->getMessage());
        return $result;

In this code, we're using the #[\Override] attribute to explicitly indicate that we intend to override the serialize() and unserialize() methods from the parent class.

Let's focus on the serialize() method.

We've added two new flags to the json_encode function:

  1. JSON_THROW_ON_ERROR: This ensures that any encoding errors will throw an exception.
  2. JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES: This improves the readability of our JSON output by preventing the escaping of slashes.

These changes throw better warnings when JSON is encoded, which creates more stable and predictable behavior.

Now, here's where the #[\Override] attribute comes into play.

Let's pretend that after a major Magento update, the parent class method gets renamed:

namespace Magento\Framework\Serialize\Serializer;
class Json implements SerializerInterface
    public function encode($data)
        $result = json_encode($data);
        if (false === $result) {
            throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unable to encode value. Error: " . json_last_error_msg());
        return $result;

In this hypothetical update, the serialize() method has been renamed to encode() to align with the naming convention of json_encode().

FUN FACT: The default implementation of SerializerInterface once used PHP’s built-in serialize() method rather than json_encode(), which is why this method is currently named serialize(). Fun times! 😅

Without the #[\Override] attribute, our child class method would silently become a new method, rather than overriding the parent. This would cause our overrides to stop working, most likely causing issues in production.

However, with #[\Override] in place, PHP will throw an error. This will alert us that something's not right. It's like having a built-in safety net for our overrides, which is particularly handy when dealing with Magento upgrades, or third-party modules that introduced breaking changes.

This simple attribute can save us from subtle bugs that might otherwise slip into production, making our Magento development process more robust and reliable.

What Happens When #[Override] Fails

Understanding how PHP behaves when it encounters a mismatch with the #[\Override] attribute is crucial. It's not a silent failure, because PHP will clearly alert you when something's wrong.

Here's our Override attribute in place:

    public function serialize($data): string

And remember, the method name of the parent class changed from serialize() to encode(). When PHP now tries to load our custom Macademy\DebugBooster\Serialize\Serializer\Json class, it will throw a fatal error that looks something like:

Fatal error: Macademy\DebugBooster\Serialize\Serializer\Json::serialize() has #[\Override] attribute, but no matching parent method exists in /var/www/html/app/code/Macademy/DebugBooster/Serialize/Serializer/Json.php on line X

This error message is PHP's way of saying, "Hey, you said this method should override something, ...but I can't find what it's supposed to be overriding!"

The beauty of this error is that it fails fast and fails loudly. You won't discover this problem when a customer calls complaining about an issue on production, which causes serialization issues behind the scenes. Instead, you'll catch it as soon as the code runs on production.

Why #[Override] Matters for Magento Developers

As Magento developers, we're well acquainted with the framework's complex architecture. We frequently extend classes, override methods, and customize functionality. This flexibility is one of Magento's strengths, but this complexity also puts you in a challenging situation when things don't work as expected.

Let's say that you are working on a custom module and overriding a core Magento method to add special functionality to the checkout process.

You test it thoroughly, everything works great, and you confidently push it to production. So far, so good 👍

Fast forward a few months to a Magento version upgrade, and suddenly, your custom checkout functionality isn't working quite right. After you investigate for a bit, you realize that the core method that you were overriding has changed.

Without the #[\Override] attribute, PHP would have quietly allowed this discrepancy, potentially causing silent bugs that are difficult to track down. This is where the #[\Override] attribute comes into play. If it was used, PHP would have thrown an error as soon as you tried to run the code after the update.

Here are a few key benefits of using #[\Override] in your Magento projects:

  1. Early Error Detection: Catch method name mismatches immediately, rather than discovering them through unexpected behavior in production.
  2. Clear Intent: Explicitly declare which methods are meant to override parent methods, improving code readability and maintainability.
  3. Safer Refactoring: When renaming methods in parent classes, the attribute helps ensure that all overriding methods are updated accordingly.
  4. Improved Debugging: When an override fails, you get a clear error message pointing to the exact location of the issue.
  5. Better Compatibility: Easily identify potential compatibility issues when upgrading Magento or third-party modules.

By leveraging the #[\Override] attribute, we can write more robust and maintainable Magento code. It helps us catch potential issues early in the development process, saving time and reducing the risk of bugs making their way to production.

Potential Drawbacks and Considerations

While the #[\Override] attribute offers significant benefits, it's important to consider a few potential drawbacks and factors when implementing it in your Magento projects:

  • Additional Syntax: Using #[\Override] does add extra syntax to your code. If you're working on a large project with numerous overrides, you might find yourself adding this attribute in many places. While it's not a major issue, as we're accustomed to verbose code in Magento, it's something to be aware of.

  • Philosophical Debate: There are ongoing discussions in the PHP community about whether features like this should be handled by static analysis tools rather than at runtime. Tools like PHPStan or Psalm can catch these kinds of issues without adding any runtime overhead. However, my perspective is that using both approaches provides an extra layer of protection. Static analysis tools are excellent, and I recommend using them, but the #[\Override] attribute offers an additional safeguard, catching issues that might slip through your development process or pre-production checks.

  • Learning Curve: For developers new to PHP 8.3 or attributes in general, there might be a slight learning curve. However, the concept is straightforward and easy to grasp once you start using it.

  • Compatibility with Older PHP Versions: If your Magento project needs to support PHP versions prior to 8.3, you won't be able to use this attribute. Ensure your production environment supports PHP 8.3+ before implementing #[\Override]. But do not worry if this is not the case, as you can still use static analysis tools to catch these issues, and PHP will ignore the attribute if it's not supported.

  • Code Reviews: While the attribute can catch errors automatically, it doesn't replace the need for thorough code reviews. Reviewers should still verify that overrides are implemented correctly and necessary.

  • Minimal Performance Impact: While the performance impact is negligible (as we'll discuss in a later section), it's worth noting that there is a very slight increase in compile time when using attributes.

  • Maintenance Considerations: As with any new feature, using #[\Override] means your team needs to be aware of it and understand its purpose. This might require some additional documentation or team training.

Despite these considerations, the benefits of using #[\Override] in Magento development generally outweigh the drawbacks. It provides an extra layer of safety and clarity in your code, which is particularly valuable in a complex system like Magento.

Performance Considerations: #[Override] in Magento

When introducing any new feature or technique into a Magento project, it's natural to consider its impact on performance. After all, Magento stores often handle high traffic and complex operations, so every optimization counts.

The good news is that the performance impact of using the #[\Override] attribute is negligible. This attribute is checked at compile-time, not at runtime, which means it won't slow down your live Magento store.

However, it's worth noting that using #[\Override] might slightly increase the time it takes for PHP to compile your code. In most cases, this increase is so small that you won't even notice it, especially if you're using OPcache, which you should be doing in production environments anyway.

The minimal compile-time cost is far outweighed by the benefits of catching errors early and maintaining more predictable code. These advantages can actually lead to performance improvements in the long run by helping you avoid bugs that might otherwise impact your store's performance.

In Magento development, where we often deal with complex class hierarchies and frequent updates, the #[\Override] attribute can be a valuable tool for maintaining code integrity without sacrificing performance. It allows us to write more robust code that's easier to maintain and less prone to subtle bugs that could impact performance.

Remember, while micro-optimizations are important, the overall architecture and correctness of your code often have a much larger impact on your Magento store's performance. By using tools like the #[\Override] attribute to ensure your code behaves as expected, you're contributing to a more stable and performant Magento instance.

Recap: Embrace #[Override] in Magento

The #[\Override] attribute, introduced in PHP 8.3, is a powerful tool for Magento developers. While it may seem like a small addition to the language, its impact on our development practices can be significant.

By explicitly marking methods that are intended to override parent class methods, we gain several advantages:

  • We improve code clarity, making our intentions obvious to other developers (including our future selves).
  • We create a safety net that catches potential issues early, especially when dealing with Magento upgrades or third-party module changes.
  • We enhance our ability to maintain and refactor code with confidence, knowing that PHP will alert us if our overrides become misaligned.

While there are some minor considerations, such as a slight increase in compile time and the need for PHP 8.3 compatibility, the benefits far outweigh these small drawbacks. The #[\Override] attribute is a valuable addition to our toolkit, helping us catch errors early and write more intentional, self-documenting code.

By incorporating this attribute into our Magento development practices, we can create more reliable e-commerce solutions, reduce debugging time, and ultimately deliver better experiences for our clients and their customers.

As with any new tool or technique, the key is to use it judiciously and in conjunction with other best practices like comprehensive testing, code reviews, and static analysis. When used effectively, the #[\Override] attribute can significantly contribute to the quality and maintainability of your Magento codebase.

Next Steps

  1. Read about Static Analysis in Magento with PHPStan (How-To Article)
  2. Learn all the PHP 101 basics (Free Course, 13,000+ Students)
  3. Confidently learn Magento with Magento 2 Coding Kickstart (Premium Course, 700+ Students)