Magento Training Courses

Welcome to, your go-to destination for comprehensive Magento training and education. Our expertly designed Magento courses are tailored to elevate your team's skills in building and managing powerful eCommerce websites.

With a strong focus on practical lessons and hands-on experience, our Magento training program empowers developers with the essential knowledge to excel in today's competitive market. Dive into our wide range of course offerings and unlock your team's full potential with best-in-class Magento training.


Available courses

We're the only course provider specializing only in Magento 2.


Number of premium Magento lessons we've published

It's always Day 1 at, with many more lessons currently under development.


Hours of video lessons

You're a visual learner. We're visual teachers. It's all about simplifying the complex, visually.

Free Getting Started courses

Our free courses are designed to help you get up and running with Magento. If you are a beginning developer with limited PHP experience, you can get started with our PHP 101 course to learn the ins and outs of PHP. All of our other courses require you to have a Magento instance up and running for development, so if you don't have one yet, you can take the next course which covers how to set up a Magento 2 development environment.

Core Magento essentials courses is the leading course provider specially designed to train developers and programmers on the Magento 2 framework. Our comprehensive curriculum caters to both beginners and seasoned professionals. They will provide you with the essential skills needed to excel, starting with the Magento 2 Coding Kickstart course, followed by JavaScript fundamentals, which is a foundation for the remaining courses.

Frontend Magento mastery

Mastering the Magento frontend is an essential aspect of becoming a well-rounded Magento developer. offers extensive courses specifically focused on frontend development, helping students learn about frontend theming, layout & JavaScript customization, and UI component design.

Advanced Magento programming & development offers specialized courses covering more advanced and sophisticated aspects of Magento. This includes courses around customizing the checkout, programming admin grids and forms, and understanding more advanced design patterns like proxy classes. We're consistently working on fresh content, such as our upcoming course to prep for the Adobe Certified Professional Developer exam, so you can continue to expand your knowledge as a seasoned Magento developer.

Is it easy to learn to develop in Magento?

Learning Magento development is not at all easy. But this doesn't mean it needs to be complicated. Rather than being overwhelmed trying to learn everything at once, try breaking the larger topics within the framework down into smaller pieces. This approach will not only make Magento easier to understand, but will also help to build up your confidence, which will assist you when learning to develop the rest of the concepts in the platform. takes this approach with every course and lesson that we build. So while Magento isn't easy, we feel that we believe we can make it easier to understand, which can simpilfy the process of learning it.

Are you ready to start learning Magento 2?

The University offering provides an unparalleled learning experience for Magento enthusiasts, granting you access to all current and future courses on the platform. This comprehensive approach ensures that you stay up-to-date with the latest Magento trends and developments.

Additionally, the University grants you access to Campus, a premium Magento community where you can ask questions, exchange ideas, and collaborate with fellow learners and industry experts. This interactive community fosters a supportive learning environment designed to accelerate your progress and deepen your understanding of the Magento ecosystem.

To add an extra layer of interactivity and guidance, offers Maggie Bolt – an intelligent, highly-responsive chatbot tutor powered by the cutting-edge GPT-4 technology. Maggie Bolt is always ready to assist you with any queries and help clarify the most complex topics, making your learning journey at not only comprehensive, but also engaging and enjoyable.

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Get access to all current & future courses at

I wanted to learn Magento and tried Adobe Learning, but it was too hard to grasp the material, even with a $5k/yr price tag. After finding, I took a few courses and after applying my new knowledge in the real world, was able to pass the Adobe Commerce Professional certification exam in 30 minutes, without any extra studying for it! has been the most crucial aspect for a developer like me to go from limited knowledge to Magento Certified Developer.

Dan Staver
Dan Staver Dan Staver
Magento Developer, Dish Network

Course Roadmap

At, we're always striving to expand our course offerings to cover the most relevant and requested topics in Magento development. If you are a University student, you can make requests or vote on new course suggestions in the Suggestion Box space over on Campus.

New courses on the way includes the Magento 2 Router Wizardry course, which covers custom and advanced routing, as well as an Adobe Commerce Certified Developer Exam Prep course, which will help guide you on steps to becoming Magento certified.

We are constantly working on expanding our offerings, so be sure to check back often for updates! At the moment, we plan to release 3 premium courses every year, with additional Magento series courses added between those releases.

Automate writing Magento code according to best practices 👇

Beeline 🐝

for Magento 2 + PhpStorm

Sick of typing in Magento? Waste your time somewhere else. Create entire files, classes & blocks with just a few keystrokes.

Animated gif of beelines

How long does it take to learn Magento?

The time it takes to learn Magento can vary greatly depending on several factors, such as your background, existing knowledge, and learning pace. If you're a developer with prior experience in PHP and other eCommerce platforms, you will find it easier to pick up Magento and master it more quickly. On the other hand, if you're completely new to the field, it might take a bit longer to grasp the intricacies of the platform.

Some of the students at grasp the basics after just a couple of weeks, while others may take a few months to become proficient. The beauty of self-paced courses is that you can learn at your own pace, which makes sure that you can understand the inner workings of the framework, without feeling rushed or overwhelmed.'s University was extremely helpful to my team, as we used it to onboard multiple developers onto Magento. The training was a great starting point for Magento, and helped us much better understand the architecture of the platform.”  

Ultimately, the time investment required to learn Magento will depend on you - your dedication, motivation, and persistence. Magento is rich with powerful features, so investing the necessary time is certainly a worthwhile endeavor.

Is it difficult to learn Magento?

Learning Magento may pose some challenges, particularly for beginners, as it involves a pretty steep learning curve. Magento has a large array of built-in features, which can make grasping the various framework elements more complex than some other platforms. But just like any other software or programming language, the difficulty of learning Magento ultimately depends on your background, experience, and how you approach the learning process.

By incorporating different forms of media, real-world examples, and practical exercises, it'll break up the learning process and make your experience much more enjoyable. We've found that students develop the best proficiency by combining these various elements with their preferred approach to learning. Although learning Magento comes with its own set of challenges, the proper courses, support and guidance can turn that difficulty into an attainable goal.

How can I learn Magento fast?

While the time it takes to learn Magento may vary for each individual, there are certain strategies you can adopt to accelerate the learning process. Here are some tips for mastering Magento more efficiently:

  1. Start with the basics: It's important to have a solid understanding of the fundamentals before diving into more advanced topics. This will help you build a strong foundation and make it easier to grasp more complex concepts. helps with this approach by providing a range of self-paced courses that cover all of the basics of Magento development.
  2. Break down complex topics into smaller goals: Tackle one aspect of Magento at a time, incrementally building your skills and knowledge. This will ensure that you don't get overwhelmed by trying to learn too much at once, and will also help you to retain the information more effectively.
  3. Focus on hands-on practice: As you learn, try to apply these new concepts with practice exercises and challenges. This will help solidify your understanding of the topics, which will also help you to retain this information when it comes time to apply it in the real world.
  4. Leverage Magento documentation: The official Magento documentation offers a wealth of resources, best practices, and tutorials that can be useful for deepening your understanding of the platform.
  5. Join Magento forums and communities: Connecting with other Magento learners or developers can provide valuable insights, tips, and support. You can check out communities such as MageChat, Magento Stack Exchange, and the Magento Forums. If you are a University student, you'll also get access to Campus, a premium Magento community for students to connect with and ask questions to Magento experts.
  6. Stay up-to-date with industry news and trends: Keep yourself informed about the latest Magento updates, features, and announcements. Visiting in-person or virtual conferences and events such as Meet Magento is also a great way to stay in the loop and connect with other Magento developers.

What is the average salary of Magento developers?

The average salary for Magento developers varies depending on factors such as regional market rates, years of experience, and the developer's expertise. However, according to various sources, Magento developers are often highly sought after and earn competitive salaries.

For instance, entry-level Magento developers in the United States can expect annual salaries in the range of $60,000 to $80,000, while salaries for developers with more experience & expertise can grow from $140,000 up to $180,000 or more for top-tier professionals. Certified Magento developers tend to command those higher salaries than non-certified developers, due to the credibility their certification brings.

After you become an experienced Magento developer, you can even progress down a leadership or solutions architect role, potentially earning $200,000 or more. Investing in your Magento education has the potential to pay off substantially, providing you with a rewarding & lucrative career in eCommerce.

Does Magento require coding?

Yes, working with Magento does require coding skills, primarily because the platform is built using various programming languages and technologies. For instance, PHP is the core language used in Magento, while other languages such as JavaScript, CSS, and XML/HTML play crucial roles in designing and customizing modules.

To effectively navigate and customize Magento, you need to have a good understanding of these programming languages. Magento developers can learn the fundamental aspects of Magento programming, and also learn what it takes to become a great Magento theme developer or frontend UI programmer. Each of these approaches demands strong coding skills and a strong grasp & knowledge of Magento best practices.

What programming languages are used by Magento?

Magento is primarily built using PHP, a popular server-side scripting language widely used in web development. PHP serves as the backbone of the platform, driving the core functionalities and logic behind the scenes. However, Magento also utilizes other programming languages and technologies to create a fully-fledged and flexible eCommerce platform:

  1. JavaScript: Magento relies on JavaScript, particularly the jQuery library, to enhance the user experience and provide a dynamic, interactive front-end for eCommerce stores. The JavaScript Development Fundamentals for Magento 2 course can help you out learning how JavaScript works in Magento.
  2. HTML and CSS: These two languages form the basis of Magento's front-end design, allowing developers to create visually appealing and well-structured websites that align with a brand's identity. HTML and CSS are also coupled with Knockout.js, so it also helps to learn how Knockout.js works in Magento.
  3. XML: Magento uses XML (eXtensible Markup Language) for configurations and layout files, enabling developers to customize specific parts of a store without altering the core code.
  4. SQL: Magento stores and retrieves data from databases using SQL (Structured Query Language), a common language for managing and querying relational databases.

Is Magento worth learning?

Absolutely! Magento is one of, if not the most widely used and respected open-source eCommerce platforms in the world, powering hundreds of thousands of online stores worldwide. Its rich feature set, flexibility, and scalability make it a great choice for businesses of all sizes, from small startups to global enterprises.

By learning Magento, you're equipping yourself with valuable skills that are in high demand in the job market. As eCommerce continues its rapid growth, the need for skilled Magento professionals will only increase. By mastering this platform, you're positioning yourself for a promising career with numerous opportunities for growth and advancement.

Learning Magento is more than worth the investment. It opens up a world of possibilities, offers a challenging and rewarding career path, and ensures that you'll always be in demand in the ever-growing eCommerce market. And if you are looking for the ideal partner to help you learn what it takes, can help unlock your full potential, so you can achieve success in the Magento ecosystem.